Why do bananas give me heartburn? - QuoraVanderbyl in Vancouver, menu BCMain Post navigationbananas can cause acidity, gerd I recently made the difficult decision to give up bananas. I love bananas. They have so much to go for them. They know delicious, they are excellent nutritionally, and are convenient as there is no preparation involved. They are the perfect fruit to eat. Unfortunately for me, they also exacerbate my GERD. I've known for some time, but I've continued to eat bananas for the above reasons. I would usually eat them as an afternoon snack, but too often they sent me to get the antiacids. As I have decided to do my best to reduce my GERD, I decided that bananas had to go. There has been such a marked improvement since it was resigned that I feel compelled to share my conclusions. It's made a surprisingly big difference. There are many websites out there that really recommend bananas as a way to calm an annoying stomach. Here's an eHow.com quote: "The bananas are among the healthiest foods for your body and are recommended by most health professionals as a safe and natural remedy for heart acidity. In rare cases, however, bananas may have the opposite effect and cause acidity shortly after consumption. " I don't think cases of bananas that cause acidity are so rare. In another article, in which pregnant women are recommended as a way of reducing acidity, comments are executed about 10:1 of people who say bananas actually cause acidity for them. Why do bananas cause acidity? I have two theories. Bananas contain a little citric acid, which I know gives me acidity. According to ESHA Research, bananas contain 319 mg of citric acid for 118 g of banana, or around a quarter of the orange. I know citric acid causes me severe acidity in sufficient quantities, so that might be the problem there. (They also contain about 420 mg of maleic acid, but that's not a problem for me.) A second possibility is that bananas contain proteins similar to those of latex, proteins that are known to cause allergies in some people. Although I seem to be fine with latex. (G) By the way, sources for the amount of citric acid in a banana vary widely. Other sources list 150 mg / 100 g and another gives about 400 mg / 100 g. There are many, many websites that claim that there is no citric acid in bananas. They're just wrong.) All I know for sure is that bananas give me acidity and give up them has led to a significant improvement in my general symptoms. For now my afternoon snack is cookies. I hope to find a replacement fruit one of these days. I guess a big part of the problem is that bananas are so convenient. It seems that other fruits that I like, like kiwi and cantaloupe, require preparation time. They can also be difficult to determine maturity. They also contain citrus acid, so I'll have to see how much. Maybe I'll be desperate and start eating apples. They're convenient, but I don't like them. UPDATE: For more information on GERD, see my new article: Share this: 54 thoughts on "bananas can cause heartburn, gerd" Bananas have to be ripe to help with acidity. Maturation does not seem to have an effect on me, but if as one in the empty stomach, my reflux possibilities are greater. I have the same problem, bananas, mature or not, activate my big gerd. I'll burn myself too after eating bananas. Don't burn my heart after eating spicy foods or acid fruit. Just like deep fries, but I burn when I eat fries. I can also enjoy spicy foods without having acidity, and I am very grateful for that, as I love spicy foods. Fried foods also seem to be a problem for me, but not very bad. Anything fat seems to be a problem. I find that spicy foods don't bother me, unless I've eaten a banana. Then banana acidity is worse. Thanks for sharing this. I've been vegan for 7 years and recently changed to a diet of raw food. I have also had a lot of mucus after eating certain foods, having to clean my throat constantly but without heartburn. I have recently diagnosed myself with silent reflux, as I have all the symptoms. Curiously, even with my healthy diet, I have the worst symptoms with bananas; even the most mature of bananas. I'm not sure why, as much fruit and does not seem to have problems with citrus acid in other fruits; perhaps it is the latex type similarity. Symptoms of indigestion and acidity in pregnancy are the same as for any other person with the condition. The main symptom is the pain or feeling of discomfort in the chest or stomach. This usually occurs shortly after eating or drinking, but sometimes there may be a delay between eating a meal and developing indigestion. I think it's potassium in bananas causing heart acidity. I have this problem too. I also have acidity of sports drinks that contain potassium. I can witness this. I tried this 2 days in a row and both days the bananas gave me a stabbing pain as if it were my heart. He took an acid and left. He stopped eating them and tried a week later... Same thing. I didn't know they had citric acid in them and wondered what the connection was. One more thing to avoid between everything else... Yup same here, love bananas but must keep the tums nearby. Sugar. Bananas are rich in sugar, as are sports drinks. Both give me acidity almost immediately after I consume. When my acidity, which used to be chronic and severe, is less frequent and less severe, is low in sugar. Unfortunately, alcohol also triggers acidity. It doesn't cause it for itself, but I'm much more susceptible after drinking. Very interesting. I've had to cut almost all the fruit because it either causes intestinal distress or makes my GERD ruin. The bananas were my only left option but recently, over the last two weeks, I noticed that if I add a banana to my breakfast, my GERD slipped in within an hour. Looking at all other comments, it's probably sugar, citric acid, or both. I guess I should have connected it all but I was so happy to be able to eat a fruit that ignored it. Thank you! I have the same feelings about my love for bananas. However, about 20 minutes after consuming I burn my heart every time. I think I should join the club and say goodbye to the banana. I have gerd but nothing reacts as fast as banana. No more bananas for me. I've been eating carefully and reflexively due to chronic acidity – I started taking probiotics (they're supposed to balance good and bad bacteria in the stomach) with limited success (but it's only been a couple of weeks so I'll hold the trial still). Sugar is a killer, but bananas are the worst. From now on I will only eat them in the form of banana bread! I've heard that lack of calcium and magnesium can also cause acidity, so I'm also taking it. Not at all, if as well all the time, my acidity is under control. Now I have to eat well, all the time. Not yet, so I keep the antiacids at hand for those days of low willpower. The bananas only started to give me acidity a month ago! Why do I wonder now? The bread and pasta are the worst for my acidity. I can also give faith to this. Like you I've known for a while but I've refused to give up bananas, but sadly I think the time has come. It would be good for health professionals to know about bananas that cause burns and scarves and begin to advise people to stay away from them. People laugh at me when I tell them bananas give me heartburns because they all think they're so healthy. I also noticed that the bread of eating or dried cookies gives me severe heart burns as well. I have the same problem with bananas. After an investigation for a natural remedy, I found claims that the raw apple will take care of the Gerd. I tried and I couldn't believe it! Apples worked, so now I can enjoy the bananas I love to eat! Try it! I also have banana acidity. Sadly not like you. As for apples, I love them and I recommend honey! Try different varieties of apples. I love Gala, Honeycrisp and Pink Lady. It can also help if the hairs first. My roommate makes juices with them to sweeten. No problems with GERD even at night. He made them with banana today and instant begala. Oh. Thanks for your article. I also end up with severe acidity after eating bananas " I was confused about why this happened every time I consumed one as I also love bananas and it has only been in the last few years that I have noticed that I was disturbed by the stomach. I totally agree, I suffer directly after eating a banana. I have to go straight to the antiacids. Same here. Oranges and tomatoes don't give me acidity, but bananas do. I'm not sure who can call them healthy as they contain 30 grams of sugar at the top of acidity. Thank you, thank you. I'm starting to realize 3-4 years ago that I can't eat bananas. Intensive acidity, as if you were having a heart attack that hurts so much! I started to have leg cramps recently of asthma medications and a good friend insisted that as bananas to get potassium. They insisted that bananas could not be the cause of heart acidity that I described and showed me several articles on how bananas cure muscle cramps. Okay, okay, I ate two bananas yesterday... no real problem... and one this morning. This morning's banana was bad, and I'm in terrible pain, tums and rolaids aren't doing anything. I'm glad you can't die over the water dose, it's the only relief today. I am happy to know that I am not alone with' I cannot eat banana syndrome. Steve, I'm the same way, I have the feeling that for me I feel like I'm having a heart attack (it's so bad that HAS is how a heart attack feels)... and I take omeprazole daily and bananas tear me, adding tums or what DOES NOT DO....The fluid that gets wasted makes the pain even worse for me. I also found that I have the same exact reaction to tuna. They both didn't start until after having my second son. As Nancy Reagan suggested "Just say NO!" Only people who have had these experiences can relate to how painful a banana can be to eat. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Happy New Year, Steve How many days did you take to get the banana germ off after you avoided them? For me my indigestion disappears in 3-4 hours and I drink plenty of water in the process. It must be the case for me too. I agree that the culprit is high levels of citric acid. However, I have always wondered if it is true that bananas are gassed after the chosen green; if that is the case perhaps that is a contributing factor? Oranges don't give me acidity. Could it be potassium? Citric acid and sugar don't bother me. I'm not a big fruit dining room but I was at the golf course one day and stopped to pick up a banana because it was early and I hadn't eaten. An hour later, I thought I was going to die of acidity. All they had was the water that seemed to make the whole situation worse. He didn't leave until I ate something substantial to absorb the acid. Since then, I can't eat an entire banana without acidity. Until I found this blog I thought I was crazy about getting gerd symptoms after eating bananas. As misery loves the company, I thank all the bloggers who have confirmed that bananas can really give a heartburn. I found your article because I was curious if I was the only one – funny that most searches appear bananas as a cure for acidity. In addition to red wine, they are the most consistent acidity producer for me, including junk food, chips, chili, etc. It is not as serious of acidity as with red wine – where it makes me win every time I don't know – but it is extremely consistent – as every time I get moderate and mild acidity as a banana. Me too. Even, and especially the most mature. I also get acidity from people say I'm crazy.Yes, it's the real banana can cause reverse effect on some individuals. I'm suffering from intetine ulcers so I tried to eat bananas to soothe my system but I experienced acidity – almost constant pain just below the ribs. I also completely identify with Diana's comment. I have IBS-D and an esophagus that will tolerate nothing more than soft food (oavena, white rice, smooth yogurt, bread, soft pasta and some ultra-steam vegetables from time to time). If I try to eat any kind of fruit, even apple purée, my throat is raw for a couple of days. But it's okay if it doesn't irritate him with nothing but the totally flat "mush". I tried half of a banana yesterday to get some potassium and I still feel "empty" 24 hours later. So for me the so-called BRAT approach (banana/rice/applesauce/toast) ends up being a CRY diet (chicken/rice/yogurt), lol! Sources To say bananas are useful to feel acid reflux may have some merit, but they aggravate my terrible GERD. I've been eating bananas with milk for breakfast for as long as I can remember, but recently I seem to be having a terrible acidity in the morning at the office after my breakfast. I don't want to stop eating bananas with milk for breakfast, as all the alternatives are terrible. Not like eggs. I definitely don't want to eat cereal since it leaves me hungry in an hour or so. Arrirg! I don't know what to do! I am the same, I feel that for me I am having a heart attack (it is so bad that HAS is how a heart attack feels)... and I take omeprazole daily and the bananas tear me, adding tums or what DOES NOT DO... the fluid that is wasted makes the pain even worse for me. I also found that I have the same exact reaction to tuna. They both didn't start until after having my second son. To add... there's potassium in tuna enlated, I wonder if that's my problem. I take an apple vinegar sip after eating a banana every day as a recent one. Instantly calm my stomach. Like 0-60 in 5 seconds fast. I have a place right in my diaphragm that burns every time I eat one. I recently discovered the apple vinegar trick after a little research. I don't care about the taste and I don't have to take a much more expensive medicine to cure it. Cider vinegar is also supposed to help with the diet. Drink a little before meals that could also light the reflux. I definitely feel better and now I can enjoy bananas than I eat every day. It may not work in more extreme cases, but before you really start your reflux I found it helpful, personally. Worth experimenting to see how it works for others. I can't eat a banana with an empty stomach without burning my heart. Heart acidity occurs when there is not enough acid in the stomach to indicate the muscle at the top of the stomach to close. Therefore, drinking vinegar helps indicate the muscle to close. (I also use it for acidity. It works as fast as you say!) The reflux mucus occurs when there is too much acid in the stomach. The reflux is usually painless. I know I have it when I start to cough the mucus that spills out of my esophagus and in my airways. If I get it too often, then I can go in a blocker/acid reducer. There's something about the banana that makes the stomach not acid. Like the stomach wasn't convinced there was food to digest. I was having acidity and I was pretty sure why. I couldn't have bananas for a short time and acidity cleared. When I was able to eat bananas again I got angry when my acidity started again. I even tried to do different things with bananas to "light" the effects and still the heart acidity is there as long as it is anything that has bananas in it. I don't have GERD and bananas are the only thing that affects me like this.Thanks for your article. Try to eat bananas when they get very mature and not before. Not ripe brown, but just before the beginning gets brown. In his beak of yellowish in other words;) I found that I have less gerd when I do thatFede Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately for me, a very mature banana had the same effect. I agree. I burned my acidity almost every time I eat banana or banana-based food. Life is a dynamic adventure and also the circumstances of everyday life, even circumstances that create enmity among best friends. Of all the fruits, the ripe bananas have been loved for my heart – that is, my stomach; and this love for bananas has been for years. Unfortunately, fresh acidity is mixed links with this nutritious and favorite food. Yes, sadly so – ripe bananas are now causing me acidity. Thank you, brother! I thought he was crazy. The bananas would give me almost immediate acidity. I think I can also have GERD, for many other reasons. Your mention of protein/latex has intrigued me. I've been having acute pains and I've tried a lot of things. It's a long time ago, it's vegan. I know I'm allergic to latex, I wonder if the protein in the meats is causing an allergic reaction to me too? Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Could it be our ph? I took Prilosec for more than 10 years while every doctor I see pushed me PPI medications. I have acid reflux from almost any food I ate especially bananas. I recently stopped taking Prilosec and changed to chew cinnamon gum after anything I eat including bananas and rarely burns my heart. I recommend someone with acid reflux to try chewing cinnamon gum (I use dentyne fire) and see if it helps with your acid reflux. Many of the people who suffer GERD have a hial hernia. I had a problem for yrs until it became very severe, 40% of my stomach migrated above my diapraghm. After surgery, there is no acidity. Check, a CAT scan is all they need. I can't eat a banana with an empty stomach without burning my heart. Heart acidity occurs when there is not enough acid in the stomach to indicate the muscle at the top of the stomach to close. (Reflux mucus occurs when there is too much acid) There is something about the banana that makes the stomach not acidic. Like the stomach wasn't convinced there was food to digest. in the morning, a banana will give me acidity for about 30 minutes and then I have to run the bathroom a few minutes after eating it. Sometimes, if like 1-2 oranges, I have no effect. Also, if you like an orange first and then a banana, no effect. I'm starting to think that citrus acid is not a factor, but maybe the soluble fiber involved in orange. A friend of mine told me that bananas have a lot of unworthy starch " can end up in the intestines without digesting, giving rise to IBS problems, which I have. I've been out and in PPI and Zantac for over a decade btw. Currently with all the drugs, but struggling with a breakfast solution in the morning, apart from the oranges all the time. I find when I have a heavy meal like a burger and chips, 1-2 Betaine HCL pills and 1 OX Bile pill (Bovine ) helps me a ton. So I have a lower amount of acid loss that contributes to my GERD. After all the gastro docs, I am under the impression that everything is smoke and mirrors beyond very obvious and serious conditions that can easily identify. Everything else just throw PPI's at her. Real digestive processes remain a mystery along with the grouping of the very varied symptoms of people. Yeah, bananas activate acid in my stomach too. It's not bad enough for me to give up bananas, but it's definitely remarkable! Reply Fill in your data below or click on an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. (sighs) ) You're commenting using your Google account. (sighs) ) You're commenting using your Twitter account. (sighs) ) You're commenting using your Facebook account. (sighs) ) Connect to %s Notify me of new comments by email. Notify me of new email messages.
Why would bananas give me acidity?4.1/5bananasdoesbananas causes acidezrefluxbanana 1. Bananas. This low-acid fruit can help those with acid reflux by coating an irritated esophageal coating and thus helping to combat discomfort. Due to their high fiber content, bananas can also help strengthen their digestive system, which can help prevent indigestion. Bananasacida refluxbananasindigestion Besides, why do I get acidity when I haven't eaten? Do not eat foods that can trigger your heart acidity There are a few reasons why some foods cause acidity: 1) When the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes when it should not; or (2) when the stomach produces too much acid. When LLA is the culprit, the food and stomach acid return to its esophagus. ComeHeartburnheartburn Besides, what is acidity about? Causes of acidity. Heartburn is actually a symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and is caused by acid reflux back to the esophagus. Risk factors include those that increase acid production in the stomach, as well as structural problems that allow acid reflux in the esophagus. HeartburnHeartburnsymptom What foods give you acidity? Foods and drinks that normally trigger acidity include: Foods and drinks that normally trigger acidity include: Agua Acid RefluxHeartburnacidwateracid Sweets and desserts GERDDietgrape Peanut reflux butteracid reflux buttered Milkrodomilkacidmilkacidmilk heartburncheeseacidheartburn What to drink for acid reflux What can help? reducehelpsreduceheartburn Reflux acidHeartburnin theheartburn Indigestion in heartburnine indigestion Canacid stress refluxStressacid acid refluxhaveacidacid reflux acid refluxhaveacid reflux acid reflux Heart burned all day cancanheartburnacid refluxhave We will review some quick tips to get rid of acidity, including: WateriswaterWaterheartburnwater When to see a doctordoctorHeartburn

Foods that Reduce Heartburn (Acid Reflux)
Bananas For Heartburn: 27 Authentic Facts To Feel Better Now
Foods That Can Ease Acid Reflux Symptoms
Bananas: friends or foes? | The Seattle Times
11 Foods That Help Heartburn | Health.com
Do Bananas Help with Acid Reflux? - sepalika
Why Do Bananas Give Me Stomach Cramps?
Should We Or Shouldnt We Eat Bananas On An Empty Stomach? - NDTV Food
13 Common Foods Causing Your Digestive Problems | Eat This Not That
Are bananas good for acidity? - Quora
Bananas | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Do Bananas Cause Gas?
25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas | FOOD MATTERS®
Bananas For Heartburn: 27 Authentic Facts To Feel Better Now
Foods that can help ease heartburn
The right time to eat bananas depends on its ripeness. Here what you should know about eating them | The Times of India
Frances Chu's Blog: Banana - It deserves a page of its Own for what it Can Do
Pineapple and Acid Reflux: Know the Facts
Foods That Can Ease Acid Reflux Symptoms
Can Bananas Be Refrigerated? – How To Store Bananas - Foods Guy
Banana at night is good or bad? Here's the answer | The Times of India
7 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Bananas | Maple Holistics
8 Health Benefits of Bananas - Holistic Kenko
Eating Banana at Night: When to Consume & When to Avoid
5 Reasons Why Banana is Your Friend in Heartburn
Dont Go Bananas! 7 Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Bananas - NDTV Food
11 Foods That Can Cause Heartburn
10 Foods to ADD to Your Diet If You Have Acid Reflux - Preferred Research Partners
6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today - HealthXchange
11 Foods That Help Heartburn | Health.com
7 Red Banana Benefits (And How They Differ From Yellow Ones)
The best foods to help with acid reflux or GERD
Opt For Banana, Melon, Cold Milk To Fight Acidity
Banana Intolerance & Allergy | Signs & Symptoms | yorktest/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/tgam/UY7R46JKR5HHTDH34DXVXI6KZI)
I thought banana were healthy. Why does my trainer tell me they're bad for me? - The Globe and Mail
Do Bananas Cause Gas?
Melons & Bananas - Heartburn Troubles? Foods To Ease The Problem And Make Gut Feel Good | The Economic Times
11 Foods That Help Heartburn | Health.com
Mild or severe acidity? Banana to coconut water, here's what you should eat | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express
Can banana lead to stomach pain & acidity? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal - YouTube
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